Hope Carries Life Forward in Sierra Leone

The Genesis of Our Story

A few years ago I didn't know Sierra Leone was a country in Africa.

In November of 2004 I was invited by a friend to accompany her to Sierra Leone to meet her biological father for the first time. On that trip I witnessed more than I bargained for, and made a personal commitment to take action. The people I met in Sierra Leone have overcome extreme hardship, beyond anything I'm able to comprehend. They, and their stories continue to affect me.

Upon my return to the states I knew something needed to be done to support my newfound friends' hope for the future. So, I co-founded a nonprofit that is currently rebuilding a high school in Bumpe, with the help of a friend, founded an NGO administered entirely by Leoneans, and aligned myself with a foundation that recently built a medical clinic in Kono serving the war wounded, the first of its kind in Sierra Leone. It continues to be a privilege and an honor to work with others who share my passion and vision to assist the Sierra Leoneans in attaining sustainability as they rebuild their lives and country.

I would like to see a serious dialogue crop up around our film that causes change in the way people see Africa. What if, instead of "eradicating poverty" through "charity" we encourage "wealth creation" through business partnerships in Africa. — John Woehrle

Learn more facts about Sierra Leone.

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